Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hmmm, back to the old location

I am trying out some new software at the old location:

Please go and try it out. But keep this location in mind, just in case that one doesn't work out!

[Update 6 years later! The above link will take you to the new Hawaii Five-O Forum which is now located on a site other than my own...]

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Back from the dead again

I originally started this blog because the discussion forum on my site was off line, as it is now. I recently shut it down. No one is acting out of control there, I was just tired of the whole thing. It not very often that anyone different than the usual crowd of a dozen people or so posts there, and let's face it, most of the people posting there are "hard core" fans of the old show (Executive Producer of the new show Peter Lenkov's term, not mine).

I was also using this blog as an experiment because when you Google-searched for my reviews of recent shows, the links to the ones on my own site would display on pages after links to the same reviews posted here. I think has something to do with the format of the pages on my site, and no doubt the lack of proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or something geeky like that. Or maybe Google (which owns Blogspot -- this blog) just has it in for me.

Several years ago, Google canned an account I had because the very litigious Oscars® organization complained about a clip I posted on YouTube (also owned by Google) of Jack Lord accepting an Oscar® for someone else. A long time later, I was annoyed about this, especially since someone else had posted the same clip prior to me (which is still on YouTube today [and is still on YouTube in 2022, 6 years later!), and I complained to Google, asking for my account to be reinstated. Even people who have committed horrible crimes are eventually pardoned ... unless your name is Leslie Van Houten, of course. Unfortunately, Google was not very sympathetic.

Anyway, I will be posting stuff here from time to time (unfortunately there are no reviews of the sixth and subsequent seasons; you can check these out on my own WWW site). I don't know if anyone is going to be replying to or commenting on what I have to say here. In order to post here, you have to have an account with some connection to Google, and if you don't want to do that, I am quite sympathetic. If you have something to e-mail me about, you can always reach me via the link at the bottom of my site's main page (